About Me

During the course of my studies there have been several ideas that have reverberated deeply in me. The major thought is the theory of emergence, in terms of design, this can be summarised as a belief in users as intelligent decision makers that want to contribute; exponential rise in education, literacy and the advent of the internet will permit leaner, fitter and less heavy handed approaches. In design, I have broken them down into the lessons I have learnt so far.

Accumulative Automation. Systems, buildings ands plans based on flexibility and adaptability not only provide sustainable outcomes but also results that reflects its environments. This is the concept that individual actions by users can build up to cause serious change in their world whether they know it or not. It is also about presenting choice and opportunity to those that will use your designs and allowing them agency to contribute. (ants pheromone) (thread agave)

Incentivisation. This leads to my second belief that people can be influenced to make great change from their habits and behaviours by incentivising them. This follows the ideas encapsulated in what we call the “path of least resistance”. If something must be achieved it should be through the enjoyment of all its stakeholders. At the end of the day, design is about making the world a better place, and the means should support the end. (symbiotic relationships)

Unlimited Solutions. My third belief is that design is not about restricting yourself to certain solutions. I believe that true designers are problem solvers, be it for a client or the environment, different issues will call for different creative answers. In a world with declining resources, the best solution may not always be a building. Architects are some of the best systems designers in the world. It is that aspect that may perhaps transcend the meaning of being an Architect. (TEDx fire bell system alleviates congestion)

Locate and Utilise your Resources. My fourth and final belief is that we can learn from nature, this is straightforward, nature has designed and re-iterated its creations for billions of years. The biggest lesson to be learnt here is that there is never waste, only untapped potential. From a rotting carcass nature can feed a million different animals value can always be created. It only makes sense to take all the opportunities presented to us and to learn from our surroundings.

All my projects will exhibit at least one or more aspects of these four breakdown points.

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